• Venous Stasis Ulcers
  • Catching Health
  • Basics of Vein Health - video
  • Do I have Venous Disease
  • Testimonials
  • Aging and Vein Health
  • Vein Health News
  • Before & After
  • Location

Links to other websites

At the Vein Healthcare Center, we are committed to helping patients, physicians, and members of the community broaden their understanding of vein health. Below, you’ll find additional resources on the web to help you learn more about venous disease, its symptoms and treatments.

American College of Phlebology

Patient Education MaterialsInformation about Vein TreatmentAdditional FAQs about Phlebology

National Heart Lung & Blood Institute

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Are You at Risk for Deep Vein Thrombosis?

Venous Disease Coalition

Promoting public health and professional awareness for patients and physicians. 

American Venous Forum

Venous and lymphatic health resources.

Vascular Disease Foundation

Information about vascular disease, resources, news, and community support.

Downloadable Patient Forms

Cleveland Clinic

Overview of venous disease and its treatment options.

Alternative Treatments

Hartford Hospital

Natural & alternative treatments for varicose veins.

Mayo Clinic

Varicose vein alternative treatments.

For Physicians

American College of Phlebology

American College of Phlebology Foundation

Society for Vascular Ultrasound

Chronic Venous Disorders Forum

American Vein & Aesthetic Institute

Medical and scientific articles on vein disease and treatment.

Vein Health News

Practical information for primary care physicians and other health professionals.

Vein Magazine

Vein industry news for health professionals.



Many common questions regarding varicose veins and treatment options are available at the Vein Healthcare Center's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on our website.