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Vein Health News Articles

Beyond Heat: Non-Thermal Techniques for Vein Treatment

Within the medical specialty of phlebology, physicians and researchers are always seeking ways to improve vein care. Before we introduce the latest non-thermal techniques for vein treatment, let's define the two thermal techniques most commonly used in vein care.

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Women & Veins: Why Gender is a Risk Factor for Venous Disease

Only women get varicose veins: true or false?
Although it is a common misconception that only women experience troublesome veins, the fact is, in the U.S. one in three people— including men— has some form of venous disease. That breaks down to 55% of women and 40 to 45% of men; of these, 20 to 25% of women and 10 to 15% of men will have visible varicose veins. Still, gender does make a difference.

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Seniors and Venous Disease

George Burns, that wise philosopher, said it best: "You can't help getting older, but you don't have to get old." There's no denying biology, but when a patient enters his or her golden years, attitude and lifestyle become more relevant to good health than ever.

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Athletes & Veins

You tie on your running shoes and put in your earbuds, ready for a heart rate-raising run, but you call it quits early because your legs start to ache, or you become so tired it feels like you can't take another step. Maybe you had a great Zumba workout but thirty minutes later your legs are throbbing so badly that only elevating them brings relief.

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Leg Health in the Summer

Maine isn't called Vacationland for nothing. Every summer hundreds of people flock to the state's beaches and lakes for sailing, swimming and all manner of fun in the sun. But patients with vein problems can be acutely affected in the summer, both physically and psychologically.

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Phlebitis: Facts & Fallacies

Imagine a whitewater river. It might be fast or slow moving, but no matter the speed of the river, the water travels smoothly because it's all flowing in one direction. Now imagine a place in the river where it starts to bend. It's at this juncture that the water becomes turbulent because liquid can't change direction smoothly. The swirling reverse-current that is created is known as an eddy.

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